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CAC #001 - Mundane Surrealism

Make the ordinary extraordinary.

Originally published in 2022, the debut anthology by the Comix Accountability Club is filled to the brim with exciting, colorful tales of regular days - with a twist. This 64-page, full-color anthology features overbearing vending machines, sentient sandwiches, and bovine impersonations, plus so much more.

Limited edition - once it’s gone, it won’t be back. Get yours while supplies last.

Featured Stories:
Consumed by Brigitte Derieux
The Dual Paw by Chelsea Auernheimer
The Daily Crush by Kathy DeLoria
Coming Home by Emily Wigglesworth
Press for a Change by Stephen Kissel
I Wanted Tacos by Brian Judge
I’ll Make a Sandwich by Kirby Myers
Über Verrückt by Noah Ray
Till the Cows Come Home by Dom Monette with Lydia Monette
Metahorseosis by Loki Bischoff
Do Not Disturb by Shannon Spence
Pen Upon Paper by Jordan Moller
Tea Time by Filipa Estrela

Inside preview: